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When you look back on your life, what will you see? Will you see the person you wanted to be?

I did not start running until I was in my forties after losing well over 100 pounds. I ran my first half marathon in well over three hours, battling a knee injury that would force me to walk after mile three, but I DID IT. At age 45, I ran my first marathon. The cut off time was 5:30, and I was nervous, being a slower runner, but I DID IT. Then one of my run family members introduced me to trail running, and I was reborn. Who would have thought this city girl would be out playing in the mud, tiptoeing over roots and rocks, running in snow and rain, enjoying wildlife, and camping - yes, I said camping. In the following few years, I would expand my distance and run several 50K trail races.

In 2017, I signed up for a 100-mile race. Training would challenge me in new ways physically, but even more mentally. When race time came, I already had in my head that I was not ready to complete the 100-miler, so I dropped to the 100K. I would complete the first loop of 22 miles and then stop, telling myself that I was dehydrated and did not want to risk getting seriously sick (something that had happened a couple of times on prior runs). I would later come to realize how much my mindset contributed to my not finishing this race. Leaving with a DNF (did not finish) was humiliating, but I kept trying to convince myself I was dehydrated, and it was for my own health.

Over the course of the next year, I would barely run. I was busy at work and taking care of family, but my fire was not gone. I needed to know that I could do this, so on January 1, 2019, I registered for Javelina Jundred. I signed up for the 100K, knowing that the training schedule for this distance would be all I could do, but I was determined.

Fast forward to race day. I had already made the decision I was going to finish. My mindset was totally different. I learned a lot from the last attempt and had trained much smarter, fueled much better, and was ready mentally to push through. One of the most important decisions I made was the decision that no negative words would come out of my mouth during this race. We were all going to experience soreness, pain, fatigue, stomach issues, etc. I was not going to complain even once. That one decision changed my entire race. No matter where I was or what I was feeling, I was positive. And, I DID IT!!!

I tell you this because it is important for you to know that your mindset and your words have a profound impact on your ability to DO IT. Decide today to only speak positive words. At the end of the day, take note of how your day went. I challenge you to do this and not have it impact your day.

Look back on your life and be able to say, “I DID IT!”

For personalized coaching, contact me at

Connecting mind, body, heart, and soul to facilitate complete and lasting transformation.

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